Amanda E. Fleissner, OTR/L
Amanda is a NJ licensed and Board Certified Occupational Therapist who specializes in treating chronic pain and tension conditions in children and adults. She is New Jersey’s only Occupational Therapist trained in RooT Fx , a specialized muscular therapy. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from The University of Scranton in 2002 with a Masters in Occupational Therapy.
Since then, she has had a rich career in the mental health, pediatric and rehabilitation arenas of OT, culminating in the creation of her practice, Find Relief Therapy, LLC in 2008. She is a Certified PUSH Therapist and Root Fx Trainer and has taught as a Senior Therapist in Utah and Colorado.
Amanda has extensive training through the Upledger Institute and clinical experience with CranioSacral Therapy since 2009. Amanda believes that every client she encounters has the ability to heal. She strives to help her clients discover the source of their dysfunction, find relief from physical pain and then gain empowerment in relearning how to use their bodies as they do the things they love each day.
Behind Therapy
In this podcast we will explore the field of Occupational Therapy with practitioner Amanda E. Fleissner, OTR/L.
The American Occupational Therapy Association defines an occupational therapist as someone who "helps people across their lifespan participate in the things they want and/or need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. The Occupational therapists’ can provide assistance to those who want to improve their mental and or physical health, disabilities, injuries, or impairments.
We will get a deeper understanding of OT and how it can help make your life better by reliving pain, retraining your body alone with the restorage techniques used.
OT involves the use of assessment and intervention to develop, recover, or maintain the meaningful activities, or occupations, of individuals, groups, or communities. The field of OT consists of health care practitioners trained and educated to improve mental and physical performance. Occupational therapists specialize in teaching, educating, and supporting participation in any activity that occupies an individual's time.